
Is it possible for hearing loss to be passed through generations?

The short answer is, yes, hearing loss can be passed down through generations. In fact, genetic hearing loss is the cause of around 50 percent of hearing impairment in infants and young children. With over 400 known genetic causes of hereditary hearing.




Hearing loss and deafness

It is worth taking a closer look at the genetics of hearing loss.The hearing system consists of three parts: Sound is picked up by the outer ear, passes through the ear canal and reaches the middle ear, travels through the cochlea, which transmits information to the hearing center of the brain. Each of these sections is influenced by our genes.


Are you concerned that your child may have hereditary hearing loss? The children's hearing test detects any hearing loss, genetic or not. Intervening in time can prevent negative effects on language and language development in infants and young children. Contact your family doctor or audiologist you trust and arrange a hearing test as soon as possible.Syndromic and nonsyndromic hearing loss


There are two different types of genetic hearing loss: Syndromic and nonsyndromic hearing loss Syndromic hearing loss is a congenital hearing loss that occurs as a result of genetic mutations. Syndromic hearing loss accounts for 30 percent of all genetic cases. There are many syndromes that can lead to hearing loss, including Usher syndrome, Stickler syndrome, Waardenburg syndrome, Alport syndrome, and neurofibromatosis type 2. Hearing loss is often seen in association with kidney disease and eye abnormalities. The inner ear is usually the area that causes hearing loss.Nonsyndromic hearing loss is a congenital hearing loss that occurs without any further symptoms; it is the most common form of hereditary hearing loss that is responsible for up to 70 percent of genetic hearing loss. Hearing loss occurs with no signs or medical problems other than hearing loss. Most inherited losses are genetically nonsyndromic. Nonsyndromic hearing loss occurs due to disruption of a "normal" genetic sequence, also known as a genetic mutation. Hearing loss is an important indicator, genetic deafness can be seen in children whose parents do not have hearing problems or have a family history of deafness. Hearing loss doesn't just affect the "elderly".


If you’re looking to get your hearing tested, look no further than Attune Hearing. Australia’s only independent accredited hearing healthcare provider. Attune’s qualified audiologists conduct comprehensive hearing tests to help you on your hearing journey. Head to their website or contact the team today.

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